You might be dating a psychopath if….

The guy or girl you’re dating might be a psychopath if . . .

1. They reek of glibness and superficial charm. (If a guy comes across as too good to be true, he probably is. Psychopaths are GREAT at preying on the emotionally needy, whether they be men or women. For women reading: If he’s EVERYTHING you’ve ever looked for in a man, run. Those guys don’t really exist. Same for guys.)

2. Has a grandiose sense of self worth. (Is he/she kind of full of himself or always talking about how they’re “Better” than those around them?)

3. Pathological lying – do they lie easily and convincingly? If caught in a lie do they just segue smoothly into ANOTHER lie or make you feel like you’re the one who’s wrong?

4. Extremely cunning and manipulative. (Psychopaths see other people as about as useful as your average chair.)

5. Total lack of remorse or guilt.

6. Shallow Affect (very little genuine emotion. Laugh seems forced. Prone to anger in short bursts.)

7. Callousness – doesn’t seem to care about others at all. Able to put his foot in a puppy’s face and then complain about stubbing his toe.)

8. Unable to respect responsibility for his / her own actions.

9. Hyper-ADHD and a need for stimulation at all times.

10. Extremely promiscuous. (Just because somebody is promiscuous doesn’t mean they’re a psychopath, but all psychopaths are kind of sluts.)

11. Parasitic Lifestyle (Do they constantly find ways for YOU to pay for everything? Do they always have an excuse not to pony up? Do they live off their long-suffering parents?)

12. Lack of realistic long term goals (always looking for “the big break,” or becoming a big movie star when they can’t even hold down a job.)

And, well, there’s more but you probably get the idea.

Now, if you’re in a relationship with a psychopath you might not be able to see what’s really going on (because psychopaths are so damned charming.)